Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Wazifa to Control Husband

The Wazifa to control husband is an excellent solution given in the Holy Quran. All those wives who want to get control over their husbands should perform this wazifa for husband controlling. This wazifa is one of the best wazifa to make your husband understand you in Islam.

Wazifa for controlling Husband

This powerful Islamic wazifa will help you to control the bad activities of your husband and he will start listen to you. In today's time many wives are tolerating their husband's bad behaviour. So you can change your husband with the help of the Islamic wazifa. By performing this wazifa you can live a peaceful life with your husband.

The Wazifa to Control your husband is given below:-

§  Make fresh wazu

§  Recite Durood Shareef 9 times.

§  Then the wife has to recite this dua for husband controlling in Quran


“Bismillaah hirRaahmaan nirRaaheem”

“In The Name of Allah The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful”

“SaallaaLLaaHU aalaa Muhaammaad SaallaaLLaaHU aalaayhe Waasaallaam”

§  Recite it.

§   Recite Durood Shareef 9 times in the end.

§  Pray to Allah (Swt) about the success of your amal dua.


If you are unable to do this dua and want to get complete guidance to perform this dua or wazifa then you can consult with our Molvi Ji. He will provide you the complete process by which you can easily perform it well.

wazifa to control husband

Dua to Control Husband in Quran


If you are unhappy in your married life because of your husband’s bad behaviour towards you then this dua to control husband will help you. With the help of this dua you can also save your married life too. This dua will help you to change the behaviour of your husband as soon as possible by which you can get strong relationship with him. Just make your husband loyal and obedient by the use of dua or wazifa.


It’s not easy to control anyone in your hand. But, in Islam it is possible. If your intension is good then this wazifa will work in less period of time and you can keep your husband in your control. To get to know more about husband dua and wazifa, you can contact with our Molvi Ji.

Contact information is mentioned below:-


Islamic Scholar: Molvi Abdullah Hussain

Contact No.:  +91-9855923779

Email @ peerabdullahhussain@gmail.com

Website: https://www.marriagedua.com/