Saturday, 1 July 2023

How To Perform Wazifa for Marriage in Islam


How To Perform Wazifa for Marriage in Islam

Performing a wazifa (supplication) for marriage in Islam is a way to seek guidance and blessings from Allah for finding a suitable spouse. Here is a general outline of how you can perform a wazifa for marriage:

1.       Intention: Begin with a sincere intention and pure heart, seeking Allah's assistance in finding a righteous and compatible spouse.

2.       Choose a suitable time: Find a quiet and peaceful place where you can concentrate and perform the wazifa without distractions.

3.       Perform ablution: Before starting any supplication, make sure you have performed ablution (wudu) to purify yourself.

4.       Recite Salawat: Begin by reciting the Salawat (sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him). Recite the following verse three times: "Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala ali Muhammadin kama sallaita 'ala Ibraheema wa 'ala ali Ibraheema innaka Hameedum Majeed" (O Allah! Send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You sent blessings upon Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. You are indeed Praiseworthy, Glorious).

5.       Recite specific supplications: You can recite the following dua (supplication) from the Quran or use your own heartfelt words to ask for Allah's help in finding a suitable spouse. Recite it multiple times, focusing on your intention and placing your trust in Allah's wisdom:

"Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata a'yunin waj'alna lil-muttaqina imama"

(Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous) - Surah Al-Furqan (25:74)

6.       Consistency and persistence: It is recommended to perform this wazifa consistently, preferably after every obligatory prayer, and be persistent in your supplication. Show patience and trust in Allah's timing, as He knows what is best for you.

7.       Lead a righteous life: While making the supplication, also strive to lead a righteous life and seek to improve your own character. Engage in acts of worship, such as praying, fasting, and giving charity. This will not only increase your chances of finding a suitable spouse but also bring you closer to Allah.

Remember, while supplications are powerful, they are not a guarantee for immediate results. Allah's plan and timing are perfect, so have faith and trust in Him.

Some FAQ’s

Is there a specific time of day or location for performing a wazifa for marriage? 

There is no specific time of day or location for performing a wazifa for marriage. However, it is recommended to perform the wazifa at the same time and place every day to create consistency and focus. Some people prefer to perform the wazifa after Fajr or Isha prayers, as these are considered particularly blessed times for supplication.

What are the benefits of performing Wazifa for marriage in Islam?

Performing Wazifa for marriage in Islam is believed to have several benefits, including:

1.       Increased chances of finding a suitable partner: When you perform Wazifa for marriage, it is believed that Allah listens to your prayers and helps you find a compatible partner.

2.       Strengthening of the relationship: Wazifa for marriage is also believed to help strengthen the bond between the partners and create a strong and lasting relationship.

3.       Protection from evil eye and negative energies: Wazifa for marriage is also believed to protect the couple from any negative energies or evil eye that may harm their relationship.

4.       Overcoming obstacles: Wazifa for marriage is also believed to help overcome any obstacles that may come in the way of getting married, such as financial or social issues.

It is important to note that while performing Wazifa for marriage can have benefits, it should always be done with pure intentions and in accordance with Islamic teachings.

Finally if you need specific advice or consultation regarding performing the wazifa for marriage in islam then you can anytime consult with our Islamic scholar Peer Abdullah Hussain Ji Via Call or Whatsapp at :+91-9855923779. If you need more of such wazifas and dua prayers for marriage, love and relationship then visit us @

Friday, 16 June 2023

Wazifa for Husband: A Powerful Prayer for a Happy Marriage


Wazifa for Husband: A Powerful Prayer for a Happy Marriage

Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals, and it requires love, trust, and understanding to be successful. However, sometimes conflicts and misunderstandings arise between spouses, which can lead to a strained relationship. In such situations, Wazifa for Husband can be a powerful tool to seek Allah's blessings for a happy and successful marriage. 

What is Wazifa for Husband?

Wazifa for Husband is a set of prayers that Muslim women recite to seek Allah's blessings for a happy and successful marriage. It is believed that reciting specific Wazifas can increase love and affection between spouses, resolve conflicts, and strengthen the bond of marriage. One of such wazifa is our wazifa to make husband crazy in love.

How to Perform Wazifa for Husband?

To perform Wazifa for Husband, you need to follow these steps:

1.       Choose a quiet and clean place where you can perform the Wazifa without any disturbance.

2.       Make sure you are in a state of ablution (Wudu) before starting the Wazifa.

3.       Wear clean and modest clothes.

4.       Recite Durood Shareef 11 times before starting the Wazifa.

5.       Recite the specific Wazifa for Husband Love as prescribed by Islamic scholars.

6.       Focus on your intention and pray with sincerity and devotion.

7.       After completing the Wazifa, recite Durood Shareef 11 times again.

8.       Make a dua for the success of the Wazifa and for your husband's love.

9.       Repeat the Wazifa daily at the same time for a specific number of days as advised by your religious teacher.

Benefits of Reciting Wazifa for Husband

The foundation of a successful marriage lies in effective communication, listening to each other and giving regard, compromise, and understanding between both partners.Wazifa for husband to listen to his wife is such wazifa that will make your relationship much smoother as your partner will start listening. 

Reciting Wazifa for Husband can have several benefits, including:

1.       Increasing love and affection between spouses

2.       Resolving conflicts and misunderstandings

3.       Strengthening the bond of marriage

4.       Bringing peace and harmony in the relationship

5.       Seeking Allah's blessings for a happy and successful marriage

Tips for Performing Successful Wazifa for Husband

To get the desired results from Wazifa for Husband, it's essential to follow these tips:

1.       Have complete faith in Allah's power and mercy

2.       Recite the Wazifa with sincerity and devotion

3.       Perform the Wazifa regularly at the same time every day

4.       Seek guidance from a religious teacher or Islamic scholar if you face any difficulties

5.       Avoid negative thoughts and emotions

Prayers To Recite While Performing Wazifa for Husband

When performing a wazifa (Islamic supplication or prayer) for one's husband, there are various prayers and verses from the Quran that can be recited. Here are a few examples:

1.       Surah Al-Fatiha: This is the opening chapter of the Quran and can be recited as a general supplication for blessings and guidance. It is recommended to recite it at the beginning of any wazifa for marriage.

2.       Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 187: This verse can be recited to seek Allah's help and blessings in maintaining a strong and loving relationship with one's husband. It highlights the importance of marital harmony and understanding.

3.       Surah Ar-Rum, Ayah 21: This verse can be recited to seek Allah's assistance in deepening the bond between spouses and fostering love and affection in the marriage.

4.       Durood Shareef: This is a prayer to invoke blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Reciting Durood Shareef before and after making any supplication is considered beneficial.

Additionally, it is important to remember that the intention behind the wazifa should be sincere, and the supplication should be made with a hopeful heart. The exact prayers and verses recited may vary depending on the specific wazifa or recommendation provided by a knowledgeable religious scholar or spiritual guide.For information, please visit our website:

Saturday, 3 June 2023

Wazifa for Love Marriage in 3 Days


Wazifa for Love Marriage in 3 Days

Wazifa is a powerful Islamic practice that can be used to achieve a variety of goals, including getting married to the person you love. If you are in a love marriage and are facing opposition from your family or friends, or if you are simply looking for a way to strengthen your relationship, then wazifa can be a helpful tool.

Love Marriage Wazifa

There are many different wazifas that can be used for love marriages. Some of the most popular wazifas include:

1.       Surah Ikhlas: This surah is said to have the power to attract love and blessings. To perform this wazifa, simply recite Surah Ikhlas 100 times a day for three days.


2.       Surah Falaq: This surah is said to protect against evil and harm. To perform this wazifa, simply recite Surah Falaq 100 times a day for three days.


3.       Surah Fatiha: This surah is said to open doors of opportunity. To perform this wazifa, simply recite Surah Fatiha 100 times a day for three days.

In addition to reciting these love marriage wazifas, it is also important to pray to Allah for guidance and support. Remember that wazifa is not a magic spell but rather a way to connect with Allah and ask for His help. If you are sincere in your prayers, then Allah will answer them in His own time.

Here are some additional tips for using wazifa for love marriage:

.Be patient. It is important to be patient when using wazifa for love marriage in 3 days. Results may not be immediate, but if you are persistent, you will eventually see results.
.Have faith. It is also important to have faith in Allah. If you believe that He can help you, then He will.
.Be sincere: When you are reciting wazifa for love marriage, it is important to be sincere in your prayers. Allah knows when you are being sincere, and He will reward your sincerity.

If you are looking for a way to get married to the person you love, then wazifa can be a helpful tool. It is essential to remember, however, that wazifa for love marriage is not a magic incantation. It is a way to connect with Allah and ask for His help. If you are sincere in your prayers, then Allah will answer them in His own time.


Thursday, 23 February 2023

3 Din Me Rishta Hone Ka Wazifa

A decision about marriage is really important, so you should not hesitate, even if you search for a suitable relationship anywhere. If you think you are facing problems in your marriage, then immediately pray the 3 din me rishta hone ka wazifa in Urdu. This Islamic prayer for marriage proposal will help you in finding a good spouse and in a short period of time, your marriage will be completed.

It will be very easy for your marriage to happen soon. Many people are troubled because the arranged marriage proposals do not come on time. Their marriage gets delayed because of the search for a good relationship.  If you are troubled that your wedding is delayed, then you should read the jaldi acha rishta milne ki dua in Urdu as soon as possible. Eventually, you will find your destined life partner and marriage will happen too. If the person wants a love marriage, then the person has to conduct Rishta Hone Ki Dua first.

 Rishta Hone Ki Dua


A lot of girls want to marry a man of their choice. In such cases, reading the acha rishta hone ki dua will help them get good marriage proposals along with an assured marriage. With the help of this dua, you will have no one else but yourself choose your marriage and your marriage will happen too.

It is often that a parent does not like a suitable partner for his/her child, then they prefer to arrange the child's marriage to someone else. If your child is not ready to get married, then it is best that you read the acha rishta milne ki dua or wazifa. 

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Islamic Dua To Get Your Wife Back

 A wife loves you dearly till the time she doesn’t get hurt to the core. If you have literally hurt your wife to the extent to create hatred in her heart for you, then you have ruined your relationship. However, if you feel guilty and want to redeem your relationship then the best way is to make strong dua to bring wife love back. Insha Allah, the Islamic dua to get your wife back will revive your relationship. It will also lighten the lost flame of love in the heart of your wife. She will come back to you and will love you just like she used to. 

The Qalam of Allah has a lot of power and it can change anyone’s thinking and doing. So, if you really want to bring your wife back to you, then you should make strong dua to bring wife love back with firm belief and right intent. Insha Allah, you will get fruitful results within some time. If you have fought with your wife and she has gone to her father’s place and is not ready to come back to you, then you should recite Islamic dua to get your wife back. With the help of this dua, she will certainly come back to you and end all the past issues. 

Dua To Bring Wife Love Back 

Marital relationships are very fragile and hence should be dealt with great caution. A wife has a delicate heart which may get hurt with your sudden and extreme actions. Hence you shouldn’t talk to her badly. If you have done that and you are sorry for it and you wish to regain the love of your wife, then recite strong dua to bring wife back and Insha Allah, things will get back to normal. Regardless of the reason why your wife has left you, the Islamic dua to get your wife back will bring her back. 

If you want to rejuvenate your marital life for the sake of your kids and you want your wife to be a good mother and wife, then you should recite dua for wife to come back home and love me. Insha Allah, your wife will definitely come back with the right frame of mind and will love you again. You can perform the dua for wife to come back home and love me if your wife does not fulfill her duties. If your wife is lazy and doesn’t treat you well, then the dua will change her very nature. 

Dua To Bring Wife Back 

Has your wife left you because of a mistake you made? Is your marriage on the brink of a divorce because of a misunderstanding or miscommunication? If you wish to apologize for your mistakes and want her back, read the dua to bring wife back. This wazifa to bring wife back home will help you sort out all the marriage problems.  

If you want to be with your partner and would like to welcome her back to your life, dua to bring wife back will help you. This dua will aid you in winning the Love of your wife back. It will make her integral part of your life in a new way. This powerful dua will also ensure that nothing goes wrong in your marital life again.  

To perform the Strong dua to bring wife back, perform this process: 

  • Wear clean clothes and sit in a clean place, after making fresh ablution. 

  • Recite “La Haula Wala Kuwwata Illa Billa Hil Aliyil Azeem” 51 times. 

  • Then recite “La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kuntum Minaz Zalimeen” 101 times. 

  • Make dua to Allah Talah, repent for your mistake, and pray for her to come back to you. 

  • Insha Allah, the Almighty will soon grant your wish and she will return to you. 

If you want to know more about the dua for wife, you can consult our Islamic scholar.